A Comet Drops on Mars

On February 1st of 2023, a new, strange light will appear quite close to the North Star, Polaris. Unusually green, with a tail trailing off into the dark, the Comet labeled C/2022 E3 (ZTF) would be an awe-inspiring sight all by itself. However, over the two weeks until Valentine’s Day, it will fall swiftly southward, passed the constellations of Camelopardalis and Arugia, and then approach the Red planet, Mars with staggering closeness, disappearing shortly thereafter.

As scientists mapped out this comet’s celestial trajectory, they found that’s orbit last carried it within view of Earth around 50,000 years ago, making “once in a lifetime event” sound trite. The last homosapiens to see this object were migrating out of Africa to populate the planet. But it’s doubtful that the previous path was as spectacular a one as we’ll see soon.

Mars & Aldebaran in January

Over fall 2022, Mars journeyed retrograde, appearing to stop and reverse course between the horns of the Taurus constellation, gaining magnitude as it went back. This culminated on December 8th with the Bright Red Planet’s occultation by the Full Moon. Since then, Mars has dimmed and slowed as it closed in on the eye of Taurus, called Aldebaran. It has now reached its resting point just North of the Bull’s Eye, and here they will stay in close proximity to one another for the entirety of January 2023.

Mars and Aldebaran (Center), and the Horns of Taurus (left), January 2023

Mars and Aldebaran share something remarkable: they are both strikingly red in color. For human beings, the color red tends to appear in times of great emotional peaks: cheeks flushed with intense exercise or embarrassment, the outpouring of blood from an wound or hunted animal, the gift of a rose and the romance that follows. These color correlations inform the planetary and stellar associations, both dealing with activity and will-power, fertility and lust, physical exertion and even violence.

The Waxing Gibbous Moon approaches Mars & Aldebaran on New Year’s Day 2023

Aldebaran or Al Debaron is Arabic for “The Follower”, a referential name to the way the star swiftly follows the Pleiades cluster into the sky. But its Sanskrit name Rohini is more descriptive of itself, rather than comparative, meaning “a blushing woman”. Again we see the color red as the main quality, but with the more gentle feminine quality, there is more of a sense of creativity, inspiration leading to action, arousal leading to procreation. I highly recommend watching Claire Nakti’s visual representation of Rohini in modern media, however, her fascinating found-connection between Rohini and MMA fighters might be even more relevant. Mars adds a more historically masculine energy, along with heat and passion during his long affair with this star.

A Comet Appears

In the ancient world, there were few celestial phenomena regarded as more ominous than Eclipses and Comets. Both occurred with a disturbing randomness that inserted chaos into an otherwise orderly heaven. Though we now have technology advanced enough to dispel the surprise around these events, they continue to represent a significant, extraordinary departure from the status-quo. And even still, it can be difficult to predict exactly what path a comet will take when it appears. Lucky for us in the Northern Hemisphere, it will be relatively easy to see, being out for much of the night each night, in a dark part of the sky.

Current models predict the comet to land among the Hyades, passing East of Mars and Aldebaran

As of the writing of this article, it’s estimated that comet C/2022 E3 will appear near the North Pole and then hurdle downward toward Aldebaran, where Mars currently sits. By February as it manifests visually, Mars will also have gained a bit of momentum, finally moving forward, if at the pace of a walk or stroll. It has been through a lot these past few months, and perhaps thought the worst was behind it. However the adventure is not yet over! Will this comet represent the appearance of a final boss, a stroke of divine inspiration, an offspring from its union with Rohini?

By its own nature, predicting the effect of a comet is impossible, even counter-productive (both scientifically, as well as metaphysically). However, we can expect the unexpected, and be a bit less thrown off when the surprise is revealed. Clarity can be gained from looking at the house Gemini falls in your natal chart, and contemplating how these topics of life have gained a Martian quality, and experienced a bit of chaos (especially around December 8th). You might go all the way back to when Mars entered Tropical Gemini back in late August to gain a bird’s eye view. Be prepared for this area to experience another shock or two before the chapter ends. And realize that the more broad story of the collective might spill into your life from other arenas.

The Waxing Gibbous Moon ascends under Mars and Aldebaran after Sunset

The Annular Patent

This transit has been an important one for the Annulus and its development under my care. It has involved a lot of writing about the board, with this blog being published and updated throughout these 6 months, and the manual of use being drafted behind the scenes. The Occultation in December came with a brand new Annulus design, based on the night sky of a novel. So Mars in Gemini has really pushed me to use words to actively support the Annulus’ purpose (2nd house).

However, these public expressions have caused a count-down to begin. The US gives one year after such disclosures in which to file for Patent Protection. So, this is the final project I’ll be pursuing under this transiting energy, and I hope that if you’ve gained value from these works, and want to see the Annulus available for sale in the near future, that you will consider investing in the GoFundMe for the Annulus’ IP legal fees. Thank you so much in advance for your contribution, and readership! The goal is to submit it’s Provisional Patent application when a Comet drops on Mars. ⭕️


The Golden Gate of the Ecliptic


A Planetary Parade for Christmas