Why Trines are Divine

The Trine aspect, or angle, occurs when two planets in a chart are near 120° from one another, 1/3 of a 360° circle. They are nearly always described as representing a pleasant and harmonious relationship between those placements. In this article, let’s explore why!

If we regard a Conjunction (1) as a single point, and an Opposition (2) as a line, the Triangle (3) becomes the first 3-dimensional shape we can form in Geometry. In a practical sense, the equilateral triangle has long been revered by engineers and architects for its strength, stability, and balance, able to withstand great pressure by distributing forces evenly, with the fewest points where tension could built. Variations of its form have been used as symbols with endless utility, such as the elements in Alchemy, and more modernly as traffic yield-signs (please merge harmoniously in the flow of other vehicles). They are also used regularly in spiritual contexts, representing such things as the connection of mind-body-spirit, and the Trinity of Father-Son-Holy Ghost to Christians. The iconic Pyramids of Egypt expand the shape to a 4th dimension to perform sacred rites within, and house God-King Pharaohs who passed-on.

The Thema Mundi, Jupiter Trine Sun

In the field of Astrology, Trines link different Signs which have the same Element. With 12 signs, this creates 4 groups of Elements, each with 3 members. For example, the Fire-signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are each Trine to one another, and form triangles in the circle when linked.

In Hellenistic Astrology, there is a theoretical chart called the Thema Mundi. It displays each of the planets in their respective homes, Moon in Cancer (Rising), Sun in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Libra, Mars in Scorpio, Jupiter in Sagittarius, and Saturn in Capricorn. However, this celestial configuration not only arranges the domiciles, but also pairs the various planets with different aspects, based on how they are angled to the Sun.

The Thema Mundi on an Annulus

On the Annulus, each of the perfect aspects from the Sun are colored in Rainbow order (the visual spectrum its light reveals when refracted). Thus, when regarding the chart of the Thema Mundi, we see:

· Sun = Red, 0° Conjunction =

· Mercury = Orange, 30° Semi-sextile

· Venus = Yellow, 60° Sextile

· Mars = Green, 90° Square

· Jupiter = Blue, 120° TRINE

· Saturn = Indigo, 150° Quincunx

· Earth = Violet, 180° Opposition

So, we can get additional insights about Trines by understanding the character and nature of the planet Jupiter.

Why Jupiter is Divine

The ancients saw Jupiter clearly as 2nd brightest point in the night sky, after Venus. But something else set it apart quite nicely: it’s journey all the way around the takes a near-perfect 12 years. Obviously, astrologers of the past were obsessed with the number 12, with their 12 signs and houses, so its orbit and glimmering light were deemed heavenly above all others. They named it the Greater Benefic.

Modernly, we have discovered additional striking things about Jupiter: it is by far the largest planet in the Solar System, containing about 70% of all the mass outside the Sun. Said another way, every other planet, moon, comet and asteroid in orbit around our star amount to less than half Jupiter’s mass, combined. This is how it manages to still be the 2nd brightest point in the sky, though we’ve measured it to be a staggering 400 million miles from us. It was also the 1st celestial body to teach us that other planets could have Moons orbit around them, with Jupiter’s 4 major Moons being named Galilean for the Astronomer who first saw them through his invented telescope. Now, we know that Jupiter has many many more Moons than this, 80 detected so far (2nd only to Saturn).

Latest photo of Jupiter from NASA’s Juno probe

Such astronomical characteristics give Jupiter the astrological quality of Positivity. This leads to additional significations of expansion & optimism, generosity & abundance, higher-learning & understanding, trust & faith, ritual & worship, philosophy and spirituality, morality and divinity. In English, the word Jovial , “a cheerful and friendly demeanor,” comes etymologically from Jove, another name for Jupiter.

This all expresses more concretely in places like universities and religious buildings, and figures like parents, mentors, teachers, guides, clergy, prophets, and the Gods themselves. These kinds of people help us to reach our aspirations by helping us learn the actions we must take to achieve those goals. They make the path easier to walk down by illuminating the way for us. This is how planets who are trine to one another are able to support each other as well.

Polychrome Jasper for Jupiter, in front of the University of Southern California’s Department of Science building

Why Stationing is Divine

There is one more major thing to consider in regards to the Planet Jupiter and the Trine Aspect: when Jupiter Trines the Sun, it “stations”. To station means to hold still in space, with the planet staying at the same degree of the zodiac for a little while before changing direction. So, this occurs between times when a planet is moving direct/forward, or retrograde/backward. Planets like Saturn and further out station closer to Square with the Sun, and closer Mars stations around Quincunx the Sun. But Jupiter stations near precisely 120° degrees from our star. This means that in the Thema Mundi, Jupiter is stationing direct, holding still before it would move forward.

In the context of Jupiter’s attributes and qualities, how does stationing play a role? Well, if we think on the actions it signifies, many of them are performed while holding still. We stay in place when studying or listening to a lecture, nursing a baby or rocking it to sleep, praying or meditating. Moving slowly can be described as gentleness, refinement, grace. Contemplating holding still while growing brings to my mind the nature of plants, rooted in place while reaching toward the sky, or a cup filling with rain-water.

Jupiter stationing Retrograde (right) and Direct (left) at trines to the Sun

Why this moment is Divine

Today is November 23rd, 2022. The Sun has just ingressed, or entered into the sign of Sagittarius (Jupiter’s Sign) beginning late-autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. The Moon has come into conjunction, or alignment with the Sun, making it New. And our subject Jupiter is a Trine from both Luminaries, stationing at the very end of Pisces (it’s other Sign). Perfect trines never occur under signs of the same ruling planet, but the slightly shorter distance of 116° allows for Jupiters doubled-prominence in the aspect. It fully governs this space.

New Moon in Sagittarius, Trine Jupiter in Pisces

With this being the New Moon before the upcoming Occultation of Mars by the Full Moon on December 7th, the two stories are intimately connected. We should this interpret this first configuration as preparation for the second. Working back from the bull-fighter imagery we painted in the last article, this Jupiter Trine could indicate a lesson being taught to prepare the Cowboy for the Rodeo. Some kind of mentor reaches out to give the Moon advice before it starts its journey toward the stadium to face Mars.

Pay special attention to messages exchanged this weekend. If you’re in the US, perhaps it will be around the Thanksgiving table. Depending on how these transits activate your own Natal chart, you could either be the student or the teacher in the dynamics present right now. If your intuition flairs up when you are listening, or speaking deep truths, know that the information here might be helpful in two weeks, when the Moon-Mars occultation comes to a head.

The Full Chart, November 23, 2022

Regardless of an interest in Astrology, or whether the transits are effecting you or not, you can enjoy some great stargazing during the remainder of the year! Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are all visible now in the Sunset-Midnight Sky. Moon will join them starting this weekend. And starting in December, Mercury & Venus will enter the Sunset sky as well. Stay tuned for an upcoming articles on these events, and other Astro topics! ⭕️

📸 Photos for this project were taken at the Exposition Park Rose Garden by USC in Los Angeles 🥀


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