A Royal Wedding

Once upon a time…

the Goddess of Beauty fell hopelessly in lust. When her eyes landed upon the rugged warrior Mars, Venus felt the deep and motivating pull of desire. Like a moth drawn to a flame, intense attraction drew her toward him. But the flame didn’t seem to notice. Though she did not understand why, he continued to march away from her, steadfast in his path. His indifference only spurred her onward. She needed to catch him, and win his adoration. Thus, a chase began!

Over mild Spring evenings, Venus waged her pursuit. In the colors of Sunset, she managed to inch closer and closer, night after night, toward the object of her affections. Even passing the divine twins of Castor and Pollux, her eye was singular, romantic longings fueling her. But why wouldn’t he reciprocate her feelings?

Mars - Pollux - Castor - (below) Venus in May 2023

Little did she know, Mars was en route to complete a mission. After a winter full of treacherous battles, and supernatural obstacles, he was weary, and had his fill of excitement. He wished only to complete his duties, and then return home to rest. He’d been called to serve at the behest of a King, and now on his way back to the royal castle, he had little interest in love or courtship.

Mars emerging from a Lunar Occultation, January 2023

At the start of Summer, growing increasingly desperate from his lack of acknowledgement, Venus recruited the Moon to act as messenger. As a waxing crescent, she was bright and optimistic, and would be able to catch up to Mars much faster. Venus wrote down the longings of her heart as poetry and lyrics, how deeply she wanted that love returned!

The Waxing Crescent Moon meets with Venus on the Summer Solstice, 2023

However, the Moon was wise with empathy and foresight, and played a small trick in the beautiful maiden’s favor. She could see that Mars was uninterested in the deep well of love Venus had to offer, and took her words of affirmation onward to Regulus, the King, for whom Mars had fought his great battles, and now approached.

Regulus - Moon - Mars - Venus, June 2023

After months in the chase, Venus could nearly reach out and grab the one she had followed for so long. Just a few steps behind him, she pursued Mars through a courtyards with fountains, up beautiful marble stairs, and finally into an opulent palace. Only here, taking in the grand and spacious throne room, did she finally slow her pace.

That’s when she saw him.

Upon a golden throne, crown upon his head, Regulus smiled widely upon her. Having been the recipient of her letters, delivered by the Moon, the King’s gaze held recognition, and true love within them. He appreciated her passion, the artful way she expressed herself, and had been excited to meet the woman behind the words.

The constellation of Leo the Lion, with Regulus at it’s heart - Mars - Venus, early July 2023

The outpouring of affection, from someone so handsome and refined and completely unknown to her, shocked Venus to the core. After so much time longing for someone turned away from her, the warm and intimate eye-contact was almost too much to bare.

As Mars approached the throne to recount the tales of his adventures, and receive his earned rewards, Venus came to a complete halt. Upon her cheeks, a deep rouge emerged, and salty water glistened. But darkness began to close in from the peripheries, and she felt her knees wobble. How lucky she was that her true friend Moon was waiting close behind, and caught her as she fainted.

Mars - Regulus - Venus - Moon, late July 2023

Before introductions could be made, the Evening-Star fell into a deep sleep there in the palace. While she was physically attended to and looked after, her soul plunged into a light so bright, she was blinded, and then all was black.

However, she was not utterly lost. The process felt familiar. She heard a different name come out of the darkness, “Innana…” and knew she had been through this underworld before.

Gaining some clarity and perspective, she reflected on her circumstances above; she had been so needy, almost ravenous for an unattainable validation. Why had she chased Mars so aggressively? What had she hoped her would provide her that she could not fulfill herself? She felt a hole in her spirit that she had neglected in chasing him.

All alone now, without distractions of lust, she was forced to peer inward and take on the challenge of healing. She knew not quite how to go about the task, but had faith that she’d be guided on the path ahead of her.

While Mars (and Mercury) passed Regulus, Venus retrograded & disappeared back into the Sun, through August 2023

It might have taken a single night, like an uncomfortable dream. Perhaps it was an eternity, for all she could perceive. The dark night of her soul left no indication for the passing of time. However, she could feel progress, as she gave herself the love and forgiveness she thought she needed to find somewhere else. The wound grew smaller and smaller until, just as gently, a hazy light began to glow.

Softness against her fingertips hinted that she was coming too. Feeling the rise and fall of her chest, she realized she was breathing in, and out. Venus took a final deep breath before allowing her eyes to flutter, tears forming both from pain of brightness, and relief.

Venus rises as the Morningstar in September 2023

She looked around and found she was alone. But it was not long before court attendants came and found her to be awake from her coma. They provided for Venus’ needs, giving her a warm bath and breakfast, before fitting her in a gorgeous gown.

The grounds around the castle were lovely, and she meandered through them, deep in thought. She felt changed, transformed even, with a new and potent satisfaction. She was happier and more confident, having worked through worries of inadequacy and scarcity in her subconscious adventure. Life, she knew now, could end in a moment, and she had a better grounding in her inherent self-worth.

Venus approaches Regulus, the morning of October 5th, 2023

Venus was no longer in the rush of passion and pursuit when she next met the King. So this time, things flowed like cool water in a stream. After hearing names, they heard stories, and dreams, and found a true love in one another’s voices. It seemed at the same time like a strange turn of events, and yet like fate had brought them together.

And don’t worry! Mars’ home is in his sights now, and soon he will take a long, and well deserved sleep.

You are Cordially Invited

to the royal wedding of Venus to His Majesty Regulus, at Dawn on the tenth of October 2023. The ceremony will be officiated by the Waxing Crescent Moon, will take place everywhere on Earth. One must only wake up early enough and look to the East. We pray for your clear skies, and the longevity of our King and new Queen.


I hope you enjoyed this fairytale romance throughout the year! It’s certainly one of the most beautiful and impactful series of transits from my POV, and I’ve loved following along, and documenting these planet’s movements! Again, I highly encourage your to wake up to view the upcoming conjunction of Venus, Regulus, and the Moon the morning of October 10th. If you miss it, I will upload any images I catch here, and in my facebook group Astronomy for Astrologers.

The impending Annular Solar Eclipse will be in Venus’ home of Libra, so the story is not finished yet! Perhaps… a coronation! ⭕️


Metamodern Astro: Part 1


Suns & Serpents